Sunday, May 9, 2010

"No weapon formed against you will Prosper."

This week I attended a conference in Tel Aviv on the threat to Israel from Ballistic Missiles, mostly having their origin in Iran. Israel faces a threat from the south in the form of Iranian supplied short and medium range missiles in the hands of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. You've all heard about Sderote, the town just on the border of the Gaza Strip which has been hit by several thousand Qassam rockets and mortars fired by Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza over the years, but Beer Sheva and Ashkelon, which are much further away, have also been hit.

From the north Israel is threatened by Iranian supplied missiles in the hands of Hizbullah, which if you recall in the summer of 2006 Hizbullah fired over 4,000 missiles into Israel from south Lebanon. Since the end of that conflict, the Iranians have re-armed Hizbullah and Israeli intelligence now estimates that Hizbullah has close to 45,000 short, medium and long range missiles aimed at Israel.

Add to that the threat of long range missiles from Iran itself and there is no place in this country that is not under threat. While the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have been building this threat, Israel is coming under tremendous international pressure to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and dismantle our nuclear weapons arsenal, which we neither confirm nor deny that we have, but if we do have nuclear weapons we only have them to deter attacks against us and have never given anyone any reason to think that we would use them for any other reason, while the Iranians have repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel and continue to build the means to do it.

Below are three links. One is to an article in today's Jerusalem Post newspaper and the other two are to organizations here in Israel which are attempting to find solutions to the problem. I ask you to read the article, check out the websites to the organizations and use the information you find there to inform your prayers for Israel this weekend and in the future. If you know other people who pray for Israel please share these links with them.

Thank you, and God Bless you.

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